Gabriella Crespi

GABRIELLA CRESPI (1922 - 2017)

The Gabriella Crespi iconic 1970's Ellisse table in a special re-edition for Rita Fancsaly Gallery.

“Ellisse” extendable low table from the “Plurimi” series in polished brass, bronze and wood.

Designed by Gabriella Crespi, 1976.

Italy, 2023.

Limited edition: 9 - 2 prot. - 2. P. A.

Engraved signature and applied logo.

cm 130 x 90 x h.35 (closed)

cm 250 x 90 x h.35 (open)

In. 51 x 35 x h.14 (closed)

In. 98 x 35 x h.14 (open)

Altre immagini

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